[YLUG] Stuff

Liam Wilson liam.wilson at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 29 14:43:25 GMT 2008


Finally got around to posting about some possible
future stuff.

It was suggested at last Tuesday's meet that we maybe
shuffle the social day about once in a while. With
this in mind shall we say Wednesday 9th of April for
the next social?

There was also some talk about the openstreetmap
project. Once the weather warms up a bit is anyone up
for a sort of 'ylug openstreetmap afternoon'? The idea
is to produce a free (under creative commons) map of
the world. To do this volunteers gather data using gps
traces, and upload the data to a wiki. If you look on
www.openstreetmap.org you can see York is still a bit
bare outside the centre, so hopefully we could change

Any other ideas for future stuff? There was also some
mention on the IRC channel about the possibility of a
talk on CouchDb if anyone is interested.


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