[YLUG] event: Breaking the Code: from Enigma to your Cashpoint Card and Many Centuries Back

Zoe Stephenson zrs1 at york.ac.uk
Fri Apr 16 12:46:20 UTC 2010

List subscribers may be interested in the following, which I understand
from the speaker is open to the public.  I unfortunately will be in London
that evening, but I encourage you to attend if the subject matter appeals -
John is an excellent and engaging speaker.

******Breaking the Code: from Enigma to your Cashpoint Card and Many Centuries Back*******

Professor John A Clark.
7-30PM WEDNESDAY 12 MAY, 2010 King's Manor

A bit of fun that might interest you


The lecture will take you on a journey through some landmark events in the breaking of (fairly modern) cryptographic systems. We will look at the emergence of machine assisted cryptanalysis (largely connected with WWII, and Enigma in particular) and move to the present day and beyond.
You might think that with the vast computer resources available to us breaking Enigma would now be a piece of cake. Not so!

Since the lecture will take place in the King's Manor it seems appropriate to end by speculating on what modern computing power has to offer regarding unsolved classical ciphers such as the Voynich cipher.

 -- zoe

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