[YLUG] How to install Google Earth on 'buntu 1o.o4 64 bit studio distribution 2 gigs ram 512Mb Nvidia

Zoe Stephenson zrs1 at york.ac.uk
Thu Aug 19 12:08:36 UTC 2010

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 08:03:10PM +0100, ALEX SISMAKOV wrote:
> Help! Have downloaded the google earth thing thta will produce a debain thing but hoiw to i execute it?Thanking you in advance, any help appreciated, from Aleks.

You'll have to be much more specific in your question to receive any
kind of useful answer.

Please tell us exactly what you did.  For example, did you:

1: enable medibuntu and then install googleearth?
2: download a deb direct from medibuntu?
3: install googleearth-package?
4: download the Google Earth installer from Google?

I'm guessing that you've done option 3, successfully installed
googleearth-package, and can't work out the next step?  According to:


the right thing to do is:

  sudo make-googleearth-package

and then if that succeeds, to look in the current directory for a newly-
created .deb file and install it:

  sudo dpkg -i google*.deb

Please let us know which option you're trying to do and how far you've
got.  The more information, the better.  Cheers,

 -- zoe

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