[YLUG] Talk slides, next social, next talk

Zoe Stephenson zrs1 at york.ac.uk
Mon Feb 1 00:20:09 UTC 2010

  I have tidied up a little on the YLUG website:

Still a way to go, especially in making it easy to find information.
I've put Roger's talk from last week on the site, at:


this includes Roger's slides, link to the website, Roger's accompanying
notes and my notes from the discussions.  Many thanks to Roger once
again for the contributions.  Feel free to research further and update
the writeup as appropriate.  Wiki logins can be created by any existing
user, which probably means myself or Liam for the time being.

Next social is on the 8th of February in the Yorkshire Terrier, second
Monday of the month like last time to keep it simple.  I won't be able
to make it due to being way more in Bristol that I usually am.  I'm
thinking of organising something on a Saturday afternoon in town,
so how about something like 20th February at 14:00 in Pulse on Fossgate?

Next technical session is a bit different to the previous one, I'd like
to get 3 or 4 people (volunteers please!) to talk about their
commandline setup, windowing setup and so on, especially all the
interesting startup files and bin/ directory contents that people
have.  I've certainly got a quirky system to share, I hope others do
too.  Let me know (email, IRC, waylay me in person) if you're available
for this.  Provisionally it'll be on the fourth Monday, the 22nd, but
that's dependent on us getting a suitable room - will make enquiries

We can try for a March session too - if you've got something interesting
to share that could start some discussion up, let us know.  One idea
that popped up at the end of the last talk was something on creating
a staging area for testing a website that's intended for deployment on
a shared hosting account, the kind where you have less control over
the server setup.  If someone has experience of this, general pointers,
something they can talk through, that would be excellent stuff.

 -- zoe

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