[YLUG] Tech session Monday 22nd February 2010: "What's in your bin?"

Zoe Stephenson zrs1 at york.ac.uk
Tue Feb 16 10:25:22 UTC 2010

  Reminder that we're meeting at 19:00 in L/N/007 on campus for the
next tech session.  The topic is "What's in your bin?" in which we'll
look at the commandline tips, tricks and utilities that people use.
I'm looking for three or four presenters, so can I get some idea of
who's willing to give us a tour of their commandline?  It need to be
a 5-10 minute pitch for your favourite ways to do things, and we'll
have some time for questions between pitches; I'll take notes and
lead a discussion afterwards which will probably find its way to
the bar pretty quickly.

 -- zoe

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