[YLUG] Installfest is Nigh!

Zoe Stephenson zrs1 at york.ac.uk
Thu Nov 11 12:17:21 UTC 2010

  Installfest preparations gather apace.  If you're coming along and would
like me to prepare a snazzy name-badge, please email me by 18:00 tomorrow

  As always, the more the merrier, even if you can only make it for a
couple of hours it's great to get together and chat.  Bring computers,
mobile gadgets, cool demos, works in progress and cake, or just bring
yourselves.  We're hoping to set up a couple of tables where we can
test kit, mainly for the Computer Recycling Project but it might be fun
to fiddle with other slightly dodgy hardware.

Look forward to seeing people there:

  University of York
  Langwith College
  Rooms L/N/006 and L/N/007

  Saturday 13th November  10:00 - 18:00 (setting up network etc. from
  Sunday 14th November 14:00 - 17:00 (13:30 setup - but why not join us
    for lunch at the Charles in Heslington at 12:00 noon?)

 -- zoe

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