[YLUG] Fwd: [lugmaster] OggCamp 11

Zoe Stephenson zoe at daeghnao.com
Tue Apr 12 20:48:57 UTC 2011

 From the venerable LUGmasters:

OggCamp 11 will be held on the 13th & 14th August at Farnham Maltings
[0] in Surrey and it's free to attend. Details are on our website [1].

We have put the basics about the event up on the site, and will add
more information as we have it, including travel and accommodation

As with last years event we'll have a few rooms available for people
to give talks about things that interest them. The event isn't
specifically about Free Software or indeed Linux, but it does lean
heavily in that direction. If you'd like to talk about something that
interests you, do come along, grab a slot and rock on.

We're actively looking for sponsors of the event, so if you know any
groups/companies who might be interested, do throw them our way.
Contact details on the site [1].

Although entrance is free we'd ask that people sign up at Eventbrite
so we can get an idea of numbers ahead of time. If you later find you
can't make it, do let us know so we can release the ticket.

We'll be announcing more details over the coming months on both Linux
Outlaws [3] and the Ubuntu UK Podcast [4], and of course we'll update
the main site [1] too.


[0] - 
[1] - http://oggcamp.org/
[2] - http://oggcamp11.eventbrite.com/
[3] - http://linuxoutlaws.com/
[4] - http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/

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