[Bradford] UEFI and other Microsoft nasties

Daniel Snowden dan at danielsnowden.co.uk
Thu Apr 4 22:47:43 UTC 2013

Regarding big media being the driver behind UEFI/secure boot, I wonder if
there is the hand of apple somewhere in this.  While the original EFI specs
were developed by intel, apple were the first to start utilising it  Given
the expansion of the itunes store and apples control over the iphone/ipod
touch/ipad platforms (which I've found some in the oss community appear to
be ignoring - if the proliferation of apple devices at barcamp events I saw
was anything to go by)

UEFI does offer advantages over the long obsolete BIOS, the only questions
now are surrounding the long term implications of secure boot (although
since I use fedora, I seem to be ok for now)
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