[Bradford] Training and Certificates

Nick Rhodes nick at ngrhodes.co.uk
Thu Apr 25 20:50:04 UTC 2013

I had to put a few things forward so put LPI level 1 and 2 and also a 
couple of Cisco courses !

Ubuntu certification disappeared, which would of been useful considering 
its usage in our dept.

No our budget does not cover conferences or buying books, which budgets 
must be acquired for by other means.

Found it hard looking for suitable courses (at such short notice) on any 
of the latest/cool/upcoming tech.

TBH I doubt I will get the training and I personally prefer to 
self-learn from books on demand.

Cheers, Nick

On 25/04/13 21:32, Alice Kaerast wrote:
> Hi,
> I rarely see anybody discussing their LPI certification, and I never 
> see it as a requirement on any of the job adverts I'm constantly being 
> sent.  However, it is still a good course which covers the sort of 
> things somebody with a few years experience should have no problems in 
> understanding.  It's pretty cheap too from memory.  There's an Ubuntu 
> certification which is based on the LPI but I know nothing about it 
> other than it exists.  In Redhat world you want a RHCE certification 
> which does hold some weight in job applications, but it covers mostly 
> Redhat-specific tools which may not be of interest to you unless 
> you're using them.
> Does your budget cover conferences too?  They're often far more useful 
> than instructor-led certified courses.  DevOps Days, SPA Conference, 
> Agile On The Beach and PHPNW are all highly recommended.
> You've not mentioned anything about databases in your list.  Assuming 
> you're managing your own databases then it's probably worth attending 
> a conference or getting some training - it makes a big difference in 
> your ability to make architectural decisions or even decide you're 
> using the wrong type of datastore.
> Jenkins and configuration management tools are really easy to pick up 
> and probably don't need training - build them around your organisation 
> rather than building your organisation around one instructor's way of 
> using them.
> Regards
> Alice

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