[Bradford] Splitting users, Thunderbird configuration

Mike mike.goodman at zen.co.uk
Fri Jul 4 10:38:26 UTC 2014

Hi Folks,

Current set up is a single user handling several disparate activities 
including several email accounts in a single T'bird instance.

I want to set up a new user on the same box for one of those activities 
and move all the files pertaining to it (it's a business name) into its 
new home directory. Simple enough of itself. scp (or mv as root but scp 
allows checks to be made before any deletions) then chown usually does 
the trick when I can't be bothered to look up the options in scp to 
automate change of ownership.

But that activity/new user has one of those aforementioned email 
accounts. So the question is, can that account be split off from the 
existing ~/.thunderbird/ and the folders/files dropped into the new 
~/.thunderbird/ and if so how do I identify which folders/files?

The idea is to carry over all the emails sent and received to now in the 
setting up of that business so there is a continuum, without having to 
switch users each time I need to refer back.



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