[Bradford] UnTechCon - an unconference about creating community, digital autonomy, challenging big tech, and creating a future worth living in.

Alice Kaerast alice at kaerast.info
Mon Nov 14 18:37:22 UTC 2022


I'm helping organise an unconference next month about Untechnology, 
which sounds like something that may be of interest to certain members 
of Bradlug.

It's a one-day Barcamp style event, hosted on Discord, on December 10th

We're calling it untech rather than anti-tech, because we actually quite 
like technology - just not when it's being abused by megacorporations 
for evil

Some possible topics for discussion on the day - (On/offline) Agency | 
Algorithms / AI / ML | Anarchism | Antiracism | Antifascism | Bleeps | 
Bloops | (No) Borders | Case studies | Capability approach | Community 
development | Community technology partnerships | Crypto hate | 
Distributed networks | Disability activism | DIY repair | DIY HRT | 
Digital inclusion | FLOSS | Genderhacking | Hardware | Low power 
computing | Luddites | Military-industrial complex | Permacomputing | 
Prison abolition | Privacy | Programming socks | Reuse | Salvage | 
Supply chains | Surveillance capitalism | Sustainability | 
Technosolutionism | [Trans/glitch/xeno/???] + feminism | Web 1.0

If this sounds of interest, see the blog post - 
https://gfsc.studio/2022/11/14/announcing-untechcon.html and sign up for 
the event - 

And if you can't make it, but like these topics, sign up anyway and join 
us on Discord some other time


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