[Chester LUG] Anybody got a small basic notebook they want to sell on, or knows how to convert PhotoShop PSD files to something more manageable?

Richard Smedley smedley358 at btinternet.com
Mon Oct 25 22:58:01 UTC 2010

On 25/10/10 22:35, Roger Gibson wrote:
> Until all the 'must haves' come along in one small cost effective box -
> decent screen in daylight, effective keyboard, long battery life, dual
> boot, etc  ... I might wait for ever, but if anyone has an idle one
> lurking that will sort of do, and is willing to part with it for some
> cash, please bring it along on Thursday.  I'll not use it a lot, but
> when I do it will save a big chunk of baggage.

Another alternative is an Android tablet, say the 5in
Dell Streak, and a bluetooth (folding) keyboard -
but MS Publisher compatibility may then be limited
to VPN access to a suitable box?

 - Richard

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