[Cumbria] Structured meetings...

Schwuk cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Jan 9 13:03:01 2003

I've cooked up an idea for structuring the meetings at Gleaston (and
eventually other similar venues):

The meetings will be based around a series of topics. A member will pick a
topicand present it to the LUG. The topic can be anything, a concept, a
piece of software, a method of doing something, or describing something you
want to do with linux, but don't know how to, etc. Topics will be announced
beforehand and voted on for suitability. Also members can request a topic,
which other members can volunteer to present. No-one is expected to be
experts, and all topics should be presented in such a way that the less
skilled can understand, or can be brought up to speed quickly. Time is
obviously limited, so feedback will limited during the presentations (to
prevent 'shouting down' and going off at tangents), although a chat system
similar to the one I highlighted yesterday will be available for all members
who have appropriate hardware. The presentations will be followed by a
discussion. Time allowed will be defined based on topic complexity,
discussion required, popularity (via the voting process) etc.

A rough idea, and it needs polishing...

(Constructive) comments please...