Re[2]: [Cumbria] My Word!!!

Chris Plant cumbria at
Thu Jan 9 18:10:00 2003

On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 23:43, Ian Linwood wrote:
> This isn't exactly in the spirit of the LUG.
> I may be misguided, but I thought the whole point of this Linux User
> Group was to help ALL people who contributed. I have noted that Ken
> Hough is a very active member of this list and his wishes should be
> given more consideration and NOT shouted down.
I did not shout Ken down, this is a shout down.
> There is seems to be an agenda behind your posts, which I am yet to
> understand. I am not really interested in that, more that people who
> are keen on Linux are encouraged in their enthusiasm and given a forum
> to ask for help and develop their skills.
It is, but its also not for idiots like you to sit down and dictate what
I can and can't talk about to other similarly minded people who also
don't care for your attitude.
> This group should not just cater for elitist skill sets, it should
> cater for all skill levels and encourage people to use Linux
> regardless of their experience.
We try to, but its difficult when people like you keep telling us we're
not catering.  What you have to remember is that the LUG has to be fun
for everyone, not just for the people who want to learn.
> DT environments should be discussed within the group, as should the
> use of polymorphic inheritance in classes within the Linux kernel.
I didn't think the linux kernel was implemented in an object orietated
language.  Maybe you need to stop with the smack.
