[Cumbria] Ideas for Presentations

Ken hough cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Jan 12 19:37:00 2003

Chris Plant wrote:

> On Sun, 2003-01-12 at 16:48, Schwuk wrote:
> > Paul Broomfield wrote:
> > Are there enough HAM users in the group to do this with out excluding
> > the majority? Surely the 'net is a better medium as we _all_ have access
> > to this...
> No Comment: except ALL HAM RADIO USERS ARE ANORAKS! (read back before
> flaming me)

Chris, please stop it!


> > > The thing that I am trying to get across is if the group has the time to
> > > be averaging 60+ emails a day to the list then surely we have the time
> > > to work together on something that is worth while.
> The LUG mailing is has 58 messages of crap.  eg "How do I get nautilus
> to work" - You don't need to reinstall, for a start.

I did need to reinstall! By discussing with the group, I established that the
installation was duff! Comments received were helpful and saved me a lot of time
faffing around.

You might think this is "crap", but that's YOUR opinion.

--- and I thought that we had got past this sort of thing.
