[cumbria_lug] Quick survey...

Roger Cope cumbria at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Jul 19 17:45:01 2003

I'm running:

RedHat 9 - 1 machine
Redhat 8.0 - 1 machine
RedHat 7.3 - 1 machine

The RedHat 8 machine (a laptop) will shortly be upgraded to RH 9 to run a
test install prior to doing the install on my main server and then retired.
I don't make proper use of it and I'm trying to cut down my computers to the

The 7.3 is an old and much loved laptop that would expire under a newer

The RH9 box is my main server. Just finished a long upgrade from RH 8 on
that. Highlights were having to patch qmail prior to compiling it (a first
for me) and discovering just how much data I had built up on the old box
that needed transferring.

It was worth it - top on the new box is running at around 1.5 and was
hitting more than 7 on the old box even after I turned off some servers.

I even managed to get the cups print server working for Windows clients -
which I've never achieved before. No problems installing RH9 or
installing/compiling the set of third party apps that I run.

-----Original Message-----
Schwuk sayeth:

What distros are we all running? (separate personal and work machines)

Here's mine...

Red Hat 9 - 1 machine
Red Hat 8.0 - 2 machines
Red Hat 7.3 - 1 machine

Red Hat 8.0  - 1 machine

I'm also playing with Debian (to replace most of my Red Hat boxen) and
OpenBSD, but I haven't got any machines dedicated to them at the moment...
