[cumbria_lug] DSL and Moving up to Penrith

Mark Andrews mark at preciousangel.co.uk
Tue Oct 12 23:26:35 BST 2004

Hi Angie,
Well first things first, we don't bite at all, well only into the pizza that
we order!! :P I'm kinda excited to see someone who is using Mac OS X and is
running a webdev company. I'm really into that myself and just trying to
justify the cost of a G5 Imac!!!
In terms of DSL, BT seemed pretty good when I got my connection, I've had
minimal problems and when my line went dodgy they sent an engineer out very
quickly and replace my master box which fixed it :D Nice BT
Beware of any wireless broadband companies as my experience with them is not
good...I used to work for one *Mark turns a bright red colour in shame*
Well It's getting late and my head is hurting like mad.
I hope to hear from you again soon and welcome to the Cumbria LUG.
If ya wanna chat (and this goes to any other LUG'rs) add me to your MSN
list... mark AT preciousangel.co.uk (also my email addy) 
Good luck with the move,

Mark Andrews <><

-----Original Message-----
From: cumbria-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:cumbria-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Angie Ahl
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 11:16 PM
To: 'Cumbria LUG'
Subject: [cumbria_lug] DSL and Moving up to Penrith

Hi people.

I've been lurking for a while now as I'm a member of the Brighton LUG 
and me and my partner Tommy are moving up to Askham (just south of 
Penrith) in just under a fortnight. I wanted to make sure you don't 
bite before I present myself ;)

Anyway we run a web development company from home using Mac OSX and 
have Linux servers, we're big open source fans (I program in Perl), but 
being typical computer folk decided we really did need to get our bums 
off the sofa and we just fell in love with the mountains so we're 
coming up.

A little scared right now as we don't really know anyone up there and a 
345 mile move is just a *little* daunting, but the main thing freaking 
me out is being without DSL again for the first time in years.

We were on the DSL trial in London 6 years ago so I could really tell 
you some stories about that... BT were just that bit worse than you 
think even they could be, but they've learnt a lot since then 
thankfully. Lets just say 6 of us hounded them constantly, putting up 
webpages etc to show *them* that DSL would work on something other than 
Windows ;)

So I was wondering how you guys (including fellow females;) are finding 
broadband up there. The Askham exchange isn't enabled until 10th Nov so 
we're going to have 3 weeks on a modem (It'll do me good I'm sure, 
there's those mountains out back). has the roll out been good up there 
so far? Are BT being prompt at getting the exchanges online and people 
switched on?

BTW if anyone has *any* problems with their DSL getting connected do 
let me know. I may be able to help get it fixed faster. EG did you know 
you can do a line check from your own phone. just phone 151 as if to 
report a fault and an automatic line check option is in there somewhere 

Anyway sorry to go on. I'm a bit excited, or is that nervous ;)



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