[cumbria_lug] verifying postal media

Andrew hugmail1023 at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jun 30 12:28:15 UTC 2011

Thanks Michael, automount was indeed the problem.
Ive run the validation however it fails with when using 'readom' and
passes with the 'dd' script (output in previous forum link). readom does
seem to use less cpu though.

[12:40][root at localhost:/home/me/Scripts]$ readom dev=/dev/cdrom
Read  speed: 11080 kB/s (CD  62x, DVD  8x).
Write speed: 22160 kB/s (CD 125x, DVD 16x).
Capacity: 1782464 Blocks = 3564928 kBytes = 3481 MBytes = 3650 prMB
Sectorsize: 2048 Bytes
Copy from SCSI (1,0,0) disk to file
end:   1782464
addr:  1782464 cnt: 64
Time total: 483.996sec
Read 3564928.00 kB at 7365.6 kB/sec.
[12:49][root at localhost:/home/me/Scripts]$ sha256sum -c *-CHECKSUM
Fedora-15-i386-DVD.iso: FAILED
sha256sum: Fedora-15-i386-netinst.iso: No such file or directory
Fedora-15-i386-netinst.iso: FAILED open or read
sha256sum: WARNING: 1 of 2 listed files could not be read
sha256sum: WARNING: 1 of 1 computed checksum did NOT match

The md5 checksum of the iso's created by the two methods are different
[13:04][root at localhost:/home/me/Scripts]$ md5sum Fedora-15-i386-DVD.iso
f2f94d2eed35530062b8a8c12c1de3d2  Fedora-15-i386-DVD.iso
[13:06][root at localhost:/home/me/Scripts]$ cd ..
[13:06][root at localhost:/home/me]$ md5sum Fedora-15-i386-DVD.iso
9a91492ac84dde9ceff0cb346a079487  Fedora-15-i386-DVD.iso

Im not supprised i dont know why the two methods produce a different
result but i would have thought 'readom' was better suited to this job.
Please let me know if you have any ideas or spot anything ive got wrong,

On 06/29/2011 10:10 PM, Michael Dorrington wrote:
> On 29/06/11 13:44, Andrew wrote:
>> Thanks for that Michael, im having problems geting readom to access the
>> dvd but have found another solution:
>> http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=264694
>> the given script uses 'dd' with blocksize and blockcount options. Do you
>> think it be more approprate to replace 'dd' with 'readom' ?
>> [root at localhost Scripts]# readom dev=/dev/cdrom
>> f=/home/me/Scripts/fedora.iso
>> Error trying to open /dev/cdrom exclusively (Device or resource busy)...
>> retrying in 1 second.
> You need to unmount the media first. I suspect it has been automounted.
> The GUI tools tend to eject rather then letting you just unmount the
> media so as root do:
> umount /dev/cdrom
> Regards,
> Mike.
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