[dundee] [jtsmoore@revolution-os.com: Re: Screening of Revolution OS]

Jonathan Riddell dundee at lists.lug.org.uk
Fri Jul 18 13:39:00 2003

On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 01:31:08PM +0100, Mark Harrigan wrote:
> in a terminal window, if either of those pops up with a path simply
> type xine or mplayer with the path of the file you want to play. Xine
> is a little more civilised in that you can so things from within
> using a gui whereas mplayer needs you to remember keys.

mplayer does come with gmplayer a hard to use GUI typical of media
players these days.  Unfortunatly it isn't compiled by default, you
have to explicity tell it to do so.

> If you don't have it have a poke around the cd for the relevant .rpm
> or use rpmfind.net. It's so long since I used Redhat but I assume
> there's a nice gui installer app to help you install that nowadays.

But you still have to find the DVD encryption library and grab the
.dll files if you want to play proprietry formats.  The AAC library is
also needed for videos which use AAC audio.  However you do it it's
always a bit of a fiddle.

Jonathan Riddell