[dundee] Taylug Weekly Articles 8 - POMS

Tim Spencer samurai.mit at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 14:56:47 GMT 2008

thank you robert,
what i was refering to with the new points is that gary defends the points
made about the weakness of his idea but never developes arguments for his
idea e.g. the reason why money should be spent on teachers not on projects
like the OLPC is that X(insert argumnet here). and not the one that laptops
cannot replace teachers cause that is just a statement not an argument.

The main thing is that the OLPC is working. What i mean by this is that
there are dozens of ways out there how humaniterian organisations appoch us
to give them money so that they can akt against 'bad' things is the world
(refering to starvation/gonocide etc pick n chosse there are so many) and i
dont know how many people in this mailinglist give money to any kind of
thiese project but a lot of people were prepared to give money straigth up
to the OLPC. Gary u will see that there is a project out there which is
trying to establish these same principles u were talking about (employing
teachers) because they too think its the solution to africas (or the
continent of choice) problems (and if not u are welcome to create one) but
that people are not prepared to give money - these laptops are a good idea
not just for what they can establish (education) but also that it works as
in that people donate them.(and quite a few of them)
i think here it is time to thank the people who have donated again for they
have done something (walked the walk not just talk the talk)
thank u

as to finishing this argument i dont know, my idea is that we all have our
opinions and that through discussion we can find the truth (just some Theory
of knowledge stuff i had to do once)
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