[dundee] Intercommunication between Document formats

Gary Short gary at garyshort.org
Thu Feb 7 22:21:32 GMT 2008

Lee Hughes wrote:
> it's unfortunate that these organisations hire consultants that are not
> solution based, but vendor biased. They certainty put the 'con' into
> consultant.

Actually they made the decision with regard to the solution long before 
they called me in, I was just there to implement it; but hey don't let 
that stop you having a go at me, I'm enjoying it, really I am.

However, just incase everyone else on this list is getting tired of your 
sniping, how about you stop posting your slights here, and just say them 
to my face at the meeting next Thursday; that way everyone else's 
mailbox doesn't have to get filled up, whadda ya say?

> all you ms developers out there, start reading those 'how to program' 
> without
> everything being done for you in visual basic' books.......

Don't worry Lee, I'll still be able to make a living, I was a programmer 
for 10 years before I moved over to the MS stack, even if MS disappears 
tomorrow I think I'll manage to get by. I'm sure you'll sleep easier 
knowing that. ;-)


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