[dundee] SFD Update

Arron M Finnon afinnon at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 16 12:43:01 BST 2008

Software Freedom Day Event up-date

Right as the time is getting closer i thought i would do a quick up-date
on how the preparations are looking so far, for those that haven't made
it over to the site.

A somewhat pencilled out line seems to be, and thanks Robert Ladyman

    * Business
    * Science
    * Home
    * Multimedia / Audio/visual
    * Schools / Education (OpenEducation Disc)
    * Tecchies, Linuxistas, Converts, Sysadmins, BoFHs
    * community

Barry also thought and i tend to agree

Here are the ideas I put forward last night:

    * Get in touch with the Dundee Chamber of Commerce and ask them to
inform their member ship. I don't if its worth while getting in touch
with the equivalent organisation in Perth or not. It might also be
useful to get in touch with the Small Business Gateway as well.
    * In any open office demos be sure to highlight that new user may
need help in getting macros converted from MS Office to open office.
    * This idea could work with the freshers fair as well: Prepare a
cd/dvd that contains the Windows version of VirtualBox (or equivalent)
and a pre-prepared virtual linux (KUbuntu?) machine image. The image
could have all or some of the free software that is being demod
pre-installed on it. 

In addition Robert Ladyman also noticed that the event lands on the same
day as Open Doors Day


Which i think the HMC will be very happy to get involved with and i know
that the DCA will be doing something for it too

So far the volunteers to hep with the event look like this

both Gordon's Dunlop and Coupar, Robert, Barry and Myself volunteer for
the event, and I'll take for granted that all the officers will be there
for the event i.e both Kris'es, Jen, Tim, and fingers crossed for Attila

To further comment on any ideas or add your name to help volunteer
please visit


96 Days and counting

Cheers Arron 

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