[dundee] dual boot

Lee Hughes toxicnaan at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Oct 2 17:29:14 UTC 2008

I had the same problems, and then I though, do I really need to boot into windows?
nah, I just run it in a virtual box, when it crashes, I install a new one.

simple huh.

saves messing about with all this dual shenanigans. I do respect that some
people have to keep windows because 

a) they run excel.
b) when it crashes, they know how to reinstall it.

oh, I forget the most important, something to do with legacy applications. darn....

--- On Thu, 2/10/08, Robert McWilliam <rmcw at allmail.net> wrote:
From: Robert McWilliam <rmcw at allmail.net>
Subject: Re: [dundee] dual boot
To: "Tayside Linux User Group" <dundee at lists.lug.org.uk>
Date: Thursday, 2 October, 2008, 3:34 PM

On Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 09:14:35PM +0200, Jacek Sapieja wrote:
>  ?
>                  I finally managed to install winxp on my toshiba.
>                  When I restart it loads ubuntu without boot menu display.
>                  Is that a matter of config file edition ?
>                              Jacek

You can control what ubuntu does upon boot by editing

I suspect you'll want to add an entry for the windows partition above
or below the automagic bit, and increase the timeout (it defaults to
very short (possibly 0) if you don't actually have anything to choose
from when you installed.

I think there might be more problems for you though as windows will
normally overwrite the MBR when you install it, but if ubuntu is still
booting then you've still got grub in the MBR. If you deliberately
stopped windows overwriting the MBR then you can ignore my prophecies
of doom and carry on...


Robert McWilliam     rmcw at allmail.net    www.ormiret.com

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