[dundee] VPS hosting

Rick Moynihan rick.moynihan at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 23:33:39 UTC 2009

I'd second the slicehost recommendation!  They may offer a bit more
than you need but they are very good.  A client of ours are running a
reasonably large amount of servers (of various sizes) with them, and
we've never had any major troubles with them.

They're competitively priced and provide API access to management and
provisioning, which allow us to automate our infrastructure,
rebuilding and deploying fully configured boxes into production within
minutes.  The project's sys-admin (not me) raves about them, and
understandably so, their support (if you need it) is excellent and
their servers are rock solid.

Our project is relatively demanding of the machines we run requiring
both lots of (disk) I/O, and CPU capacity.  I don't have the
benchmarks to hand, but we benchmarked slicehost against some other
hosts providing similar services and slicehost came at or near the
top, when it came to raw I/O performance (as measured by bonnie++) and
were clearly competitive on other aspects.

I think when the time is right we might consider moving certain
aspects of our operations to Amazon EC2; and we're already using
Amazon S3 for backups, but Amazon's offering has some well known and
documented shortcomings not found with slicehost.


2009/2/15 Kevin <kevin at kevinisageek.org>:
> I'm with Slicehost for my web hosting http://www.slicehost.com/ They
> basically give you a virtual machine and let you get on with it.
> Choice of several distros, disk and ram allowances and they are pretty
> cheap. Good if you want a 100% custom system (excluding hardware).
> They also have an excellent series of guides on how to get your system
> up and running http://articles.slicehost.com/sitemap
> The really nice thing in my opinion is that there are no fixed
> contracts, just pay month to month.
> Kevin
> N00b sysadmin
> http://kevinisageek.org
> http://kevinisageek.org/publickey.asc
> 2009/2/15 Nicholas Walker <tel0seh at googlemail.com>:
>> I'm looking for *cheap* VPS hosting, I have no need for large amounts of
>> RAM, or disk space, however a decent amount of traffic is required. Can
>> anyone reccommend a good host? I've searched about a bit, and had a couple
>> reccommended, but they vary so wildly, and I wondered if anyone had any
>> experience with some of these companies?
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