[dundee] Installation of Linux

SEEBERG, SABINE 0805104 at abertay.ac.uk
Sat Feb 21 12:42:43 UTC 2009

Hi Arron,

great idea.
Good for the website as well.
Therefore lets fix it fast.


S a b i n e  S e e b e r g 
Dipl. Betriebswirtin (FH Deggendorf) 
Student of MSc Environment & Business 
Contemporary Sciences 
University of Abertay Dundee 
Dundee. DD1 1HG. UK. 

E-Mail: 0805104 at abertay.ac.uk 
(  +44 (0)7551 460463 
P Save a tree...please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to

-----Original Message-----
From: dundee-bounces at lists.lug.org.uk on behalf of Arron Finnon
Sent: Sat 21.02.2009 11:46
To: dundee at lists.lug.org.uk
Subject: [dundee]  Installation of Linux
Hi Sabine, and everyone else

I have an idea that may help.  You should be able to make Vista and
Linux co-exist it can be tricky if you have never done anything like
this before but why do we not start a drop in session to help people
like your self.  A lot of people on this list have indicated that an
install fest is something they would like, personally i think it is a
limited value to a crew of Linux junkies (or is that stone head???)
however we could organise a Wednesday evening to meet up in the HMC
and then any of us that want a hand in installing linux, or figuring
out that naggling bug can come along and we can try and help out.

Couple of prerequisites of course, some people that have a linux
problem (i mean it could be any type of problem, we may not be able to
help with your love life however we all could have a good chuckle),
some people who like solving linux problems, some geeks with projects
that would like a couple of other linux geeks on hand for when it all
goes foobar, and of course a location.  I'm sure if we ask Donna at
the HMC she would be more than happy to help, and of course i'm sure
that having a little drop in workshopy thing may inspire some people
that are interested in using linux, but not so sure about coming to a

If no one is interested in the above, then Sabine give us a shout of
list and i'll give you a hand.


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