[dundee] Change of Distro - light blue touchpaper and retire

Arron Finnon afinnon at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 25 13:39:41 UTC 2009

oh swifty,

We have spoken to Ubuntu and they have no spaces for drunken uncles,
the position's have been filled and they don't want you.  I tired and
said "look he really wants to use KDE, and your not going to find a
rare artefact like that without a shovel", however this didn't work.
Debian would be my choice yeah there's a bit of work, but i imagine
its going to be like a bus man's holiday for you after openSUSE, and
on the plus side you have a beard, hate Ubuntu you should fit in with
no problems at all.  If anyone asks just say Ubuntu; old african word
for can't configure debian

Failing that look at Window, they've skinned it to look like KDE, and
they also follow the tradition of naming everything after them selves
so sort of like KOffice, you would have Microsoft Office.  Hardware
support shouldn't be a problem, cas you'll be renewing it all again in
two years, however i think your shiny mouse should work, but you may
need to dig out the drivers for it, i also believe that freedom isn't
so high on their agenda, so multimedia shouldn't be a problem for now.

Have a nice day, and remember OpenSUSE isn't just for Christmas


Finux 'the hat'

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