[dundee] DNS aliases question

Brett Sheffield brett at gladserv.com
Mon Apr 19 13:44:45 UTC 2010

Rick Moynihan wrote:
> I did actually add "search bar.com"
> to resolv.conf prior to sending the email.  However it discovered the
> service via mDNS (I'm actually doing this on OS X :-( ).  I'm assuming
> this is because mDNS is higher in the pecking the order than my
> resolv.conf entry.
> The discovery via mDNS isn't a problem, as the machine is one and the
> same, it's more that I couldn't test this setting easily on site.

Hmmm.  I think you need the mac equivalent of /etc/nsswitch.conf

> Testing this with "search google.com" and running ping www, doesn't
> seem to work however...  Any ideas, or am I being stupid?

Works on Linux.  Not sure why it isn't on your Mac.

> Also resolv.conf gets rewritten by dhcp, so I might have to hack
> around that or chmod it :-\

chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf

However, you'd be better figuring out how to modify this nicely through 
your gui.  Or add the search option to your dhcp client.  Most dhcp 
clients let you append options... somewhere.

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