[ExeterLUG] A New Home for 2014

Paul Sutton zleap at zleap.net
Tue Dec 17 13:12:11 UTC 2013

On 17/12/13 12:43, Rick Timmis wrote:
> Dear Everyone 
> Well its just goes to show that what goes around comes around.  
> I had the opportunity to speak with Harri Sharp, the Lady that runs the
> Exwick Ark School. They're very pleased with the way things have gone so
> far, and they like their Linux Mint computers very much. 
> I discussed the upstairs area at the Exwick School with Her and explained
> that the room with the Benches would be a perfect place for the ExeterLUG
> HQ. 
> She was delighted with this idea, and explained that we are most welcome
> to use the upstairs of that building for our meetings, and that this would
> be a free facility at least for the first year. I would hope that by
> taking
> care of their IT requirements, would should never have to pay for the
> building. 
> This also means that within reason we have space to work on projects and
> develop things in a more permanent manner. 
> My suggestion there for, is that we move our January meeting to the Exwick
> Ark School building, so that we can discuss how we would like to get
> things
> set up. 
> Your thoughts ? 
>   -- 
> Rick Timmis

Sounds good to me,   I am guessing we would need to move stuff over from
the Exwick store room to the exwick ark.

But yeah, being able to set something up and leave it would be really
useful,  not having to re-arrange tables, and being able to plug things
in to the wall, rather than trailing sockets  would also help with
safety etc, 

At the monday computer group we have some large sheets of MDF (i think)
which are ideal for the pis, as in cases they can be stuck down with
velcro to the boards,  as well as the usb hubs, makes things easier to
store,  I was thinking not just for the pis, but if we got smaller
cuts,  (try b&q freebie bins)  then a breadboard, and the breadboard
power module that amazon sell could be attached, and maybe a mini sorter
box for components (99p or £ store), could all be stuck down,  this
would make nice self contained, portable project board.

If we are going to get more in to mini projects, soldering electronics
with the pi then this could be what we need.

Lets give it a go.

Is there access to a kitchen for coffee, tea etc ?

Can we maybe meet up at exwick first incase we need anything ?or decide
what we need and then go grab this first from the store,  (we have tea /
coffees etc)


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