[ExeterLUG] Wireless Router Help

Rick.Timmis Rick.Timmis at Abazander.com
Sat Nov 1 23:19:30 UTC 2014

Daniel Smith <dan at todayintech.co.uk> wrote:Good evening folks,

I am installing a wireless router into an office soon and need some help 
on deciding what router to buy.

The connection is ADSL2+ and they already have a modem going into the 
office which works fine.

I would like to use a router that I can just join to the modem via an 
ethernet cable as I know some ISPs get funny about replacing the modem 
altogether, I have also read that there can sometimes be dropouts if you 
replace the modem altogether.

Does anybody have any low cost recommendations for this? All I want to 
do is connect a router to the modem via ethernet and set it up so that 
people can use the internet wirelessly in the office.



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Exeter at mailman.lug.org.uk

Hey Dan

Take a look at this, its budget but I think it's upto the job for a small office.



Rick Timmis
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