[Falkirk] Mandrake9.2+Postfix

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Fri Feb 27 09:17:51 GMT 2004

On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 08:21:33PM +0000, mcclung at freeuk.com wrote:
> Hi I wander if anyone can help I have been having a great deal of 
> difficulty setting up incoming mail to my domain name with postfix. I 
> have finaly managed to get a message through to the user postfix but 
> mail to any other user is being rejected with the error Temporary 
> lookup failure; any help with this would be greately appreciated as i 
> have been strugling with this for a while now..

I'm afraid we're going to need more details than that to be very helpful.

But for postfix you should have a line like

virtual_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual

in main.cf

then in virtual you need a line declairing the domain then lines
following that saying where the e-mail is to go

mydomain.example.com mydomain.example.com
foo at mydomain.example.com mylocaluser
bar at mydomain.example.com forward at address.example.com
@mydomain.example.com anotherlocaluser

then compile the virtual file and tell postfix to read the changes

sudo postmap /etc/postfix/virtual ; sudo postfix reload

Jonathan Riddell

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