[Falkirk] New member

Robert Lazzurs rob at lazzurs.net
Wed May 14 13:40:14 BST 2008

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 1:17 PM, David Smith <daviejsmith at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Callum
>   A number of easy questions. Where do you meet up and to what can I do go
> get ecquainted with linux before the meet.?  Experience is a great thing but
> I don't know of any system near me that runs linux. Maybe a book or a linux
> magazine? By the way irc.freenode.net did not work.

Hello Davie,

First of all if you have not selected a Linux distribution to play
with I can highly recommend either Ubuntu http://www.ubuntu.com/ or
Fedora http://fedora.redhat.com/

The first meeting was in The Goose on Newmarket Street in Falkirk
however I believe we are considering moving to The Den on Manor

The meetings are always the first Tuesday of the Month.

If you are using Windows you will require an IRC client to connect to
Freenode.  X-Chat, a popular Linux IRC client has been ported to
Windows and can be downloaded from http://www.xchat.org/download/

If there is anything else we can help with please let us know :)

Take care.

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