[Gllug] Reprise: controlled termination of processes

DL Neil GLLUG at getaroundtoit.co.uk
Fri Aug 3 10:02:41 UTC 2007

Is this snippet perhaps relevant to the termination of processes  
question asked here a few days back?


IBM Linux developer news
	02 August 2007

Dear developer,

A recent developerWorks tutorial showed how to use the cron, anacron,  
and at utilities to automate the execution of regularly scheduled or  
one-off jobs. That's great for tasks that can run indefinitely or  
terminate themselves, but how do you deal with jobs that need to end  
at a particular time without manual intervention, such as recording a  
television or radio program?

The trick lies in having one process perform the time-management  
function while another one runs the task itself. This week's feature  
shows how to do that, as well as how to set other terminating  
conditions such as file size. It also shows how to trap signals in  
case either the management process or main task ends prematurely.

     * Linux tip: Controlling the duration of scheduled jobs

Until next week,
Tom Young, dwnews at us.ibm.com
Linux zone editor

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