[Gllug] Mailing list filtering (was Re: [OFFTOPIC] Re: Vista vs seven)

John Edwards john at cornerstonelinux.co.uk
Tue Dec 8 14:32:51 UTC 2009

On Tue, Dec 08, 2009 at 02:09:25PM +0000, Andy Millar wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 14:03 +0000, John Edwards wrote:
>> Lastly if a thread is boring or annoying you then you can get Gmail
>> to ignore that thread:
>>   http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=47787
>>   http://www.watchingthenet.com/gmail-tip-automatically-archive-email-message-threads-with-mute.html
> I have to admit that it's a little much to assume that people use
> Gmail :-)

"peterachilds at gmail.com"
Why does English not have a difference between second person singular
and plural? Must have been "designed" by Larry Wall.

But I understand what you mean. Most good email clients should have
sometime similar, but often don't. There is a plugin for Thunderbird,
and mutt can tag and delete threads easy enough.

You could also use filtering rules in either the client or server-side
(procmail, sieve, etc) to move email for a mailing list to a seperate
folder. This also has the advantage of it not interupting your normal
email work, and allowing you to read mailing lists when time allows.

If I didn't do this that I suppose that the constant interuptions by
many mailing lists could produce a fair amount of annoyance and lead
to a bad temper.

|    John Edwards   Email: john at cornerstonelinux.co.uk    |
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