[Herts] Re: [WoT] South-East: Notarisation Event

Steve Davies steve at one47.co.uk
Tue Feb 10 22:27:02 GMT 2004

An extra note for those with families (young children) who want to come to the 
notarisation event...


Wendy Bance wrote:
> An extra note...
> It's fine to bring your family along to this, but it's a good idea to bring
> something to do to keep little ones occupied as the layout of the room
> provides ample temptation to run around!
> Regardless of whether you are coming by yourself or with others, please be
> sure to let Peter know numbers - if there are a lot of us, we may move to a
> different venue, and you won't know where to go if we don't know to contact
> you!  If you are bringing smaller children, please tell Peter their ages
> and, if we have enough to make it interesting, I'll run a storytime or
> something while you are all shuffling papers.  (And there was I hoping to
> get some more points!)
> </delurk>

Steve Davies                   steve at one47.co.uk

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