[Herts] LUG Planet with Yahoo Pipes

David Precious davidp at preshweb.co.uk
Tue Mar 20 09:00:54 GMT 2007

On Tue, 20 Mar 2007, Steve Clark wrote:

> I had a play last night at building a combined feed for those member
> sites that have feeds. You can see it here:
> http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/person.info?eyuid=m2wqERogvGZAGNzdV8U-

You included everyone but me :(


> The second problem was that the items were sorted by source instead of
> by date, I tried applying a sort by 'pubdate', but that has problems
> too. It seems that my feed does not include the date, but Bloglines and
> Google Reader seem to manage to read it.

I had the same problem when I played with it, I couldn't seem to get it to
just sort all posts by date.


Dave P

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