[Herts] Audio distros, JACK

Malcolm Smith lists at thesmith.org.uk
Sun Jun 21 00:45:55 UTC 2009

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 04:58:39PM +0100, Steve Clark wrote:
> I'm also interested in suggestions on a good distro to use for audio work. 
> There are a fair few out there. I want something that is going to have things 
> like a real time kernel and make it easy to set up Jack.

64Studio is (IIUC) more stable than UbuntuStudio, and the new v3.0 (out real
soon now) is based on Ubuntu repositories. I've never tried PlanetCCRMA, etc.
Other than that, Gentoo seems like a good option to keep up with the rapid


> My main PC has some audio issues generally.

qjackctl is a GUI to tune latencies, input/output configuration, etc.

> I tried some multi-tracking in
> Audacity yesterday and got terrible latency that put the tracks out of sync.

Yes, it's like trying to sing along with someone via a mobile phone :-)

http://www.thesmith.org.uk/     Personal site of unfathomable depths
http://www.secretbass.org.uk/   Drum circle in deepest Hertfordshire
http://www.drummingisfun.co.uk/ African drumming workshops+performances
http://www.africa-junction.co.uk/ Drum, dance and song from West Africa

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