[Hudlug] html to rtf

Anne Wilson hudlug at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Jan 31 10:01:02 2003

On Thursday 30 Jan 2003 10:41 pm, daveyp wrote:
> Hiya Anne
> There's plently of nice Perl modules for reading/parsing HTML and
> writing to RTF out there - try searches for HTML and RTF on
> www.cpan.org.  A HTML=3D>RTF parser shouldn't be too hard to knock
> together and there's a good chance than a Perl monger out there might
> have already done it.
> As part of my job I've been writing a parser to do the opposite -
> convert RTF into HTML using Perl.  Still not quite 100% there, but
> the RTF spec is a horrible mess these days (points wagging finger in
> Microsofts direction).
> If you get stuck for an app, give me a shout and I'll see if I can
> cobble something together.

Hi Davey.  My reason for wanting to do this is that I loathe on-line manu=
als. =20
They're fine when you know the problem and just want a quick look-up to=20
refresh your memory, but for really learning about something you need a=20
printed one.  html manuals are hopeless for this.

I have just, for instance, saved page by page the main part of the Gnumer=
manual - 60+ saves, and that does not include the function=20
definitions/parameters, which would require another 100 or so.  Using cat=
have bundled them into one big html file (link don't work, of course, bec=
the files are no longer in structure, but for printing purposes that's=20
irrelevant).  The most convenient thing to do would be to create a pdf,=20
because then I can translate the A4 pages to A5 and print out duplexed pa=
for an A5 ring binder - a truly useful manual.  I'd do this for other app=

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