[Hudlug] html to rtf

daveyp hudlug at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Jan 30 22:42:31 2003

Hiya Anne

There's plently of nice Perl modules for reading/parsing HTML and 
writing to RTF out there - try searches for HTML and RTF on 
www.cpan.org.  A HTML=>RTF parser shouldn't be too hard to knock 
together and there's a good chance than a Perl monger out there might 
have already done it.

As part of my job I've been writing a parser to do the opposite - 
convert RTF into HTML using Perl.  Still not quite 100% there, but 
the RTF spec is a horrible mess these days (points wagging finger in 
Microsofts direction).

If you get stuck for an app, give me a shout and I'll see if I can 
cobble something together.


On 30 Jan 2003 at 19:34, Anne Wilson wrote:

> Can anyone suggest an app that could open an html file and save it as .rtf?  
> The links need to be visible as an index, but not as an active link, so I 
> don't see any reason why I shouldn't be able to.  So far, though I haven't 
> had any success.  If I could do that I could import it into PagePlus (under 
> win4lin) and export it as a pdf.
> Anne
> -- 
> Registered Linux User No.293302
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