[Hudlug] html to rtf

Anne Wilson hudlug at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Jan 31 10:54:01 2003

On Friday 31 Jan 2003 12:40 am, Tim Bray wrote:
> Anne Wilson wrote:
> > Hmmm... These are all things that I've been meaning to get around to.=
> > Maybe over the next week or so I'll manage it.  Thanks
> The other thing, is that iText (do a google search) will write out pdf,
> rft and html.

Sounds interesting.  I could look into that.  Is  it a c/l app?

> So if these documents are being generated programmatically, and you wan=
>   to dabble in java .....

I've dabbled a bit in java and liked it, so that's not impossible.
> You could also use XML style sheet thingies, and the nice goodies from
> the apache people to take XML and use style sheets to create pdf or htm=
> (and probably rtf as well).   But we are getting complicated at this st=
Once again the strenght of linux is also its weakness from a newbie=20
standpoint.  There are, as always a dozen or more ways of achieving it, s=
it's a wood and trees scenario.  Generally anything that uses stylesheets=
a time-saver, in my experience.  Set it up once and it does for many thin=
gs. =20
But I don't know where I would need to start.  It doesn't have to be a qu=
fix, I can take time to learn something, but I need a study path if that'=
what I'm going to do.

OTOH, I'll certainly google for iText and see what comes up.  Thanks

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