[Lancaster] Radical Suggestion

Martyn Welch martyn at 22balmoralroad.net
Tue Aug 12 23:53:01 2003

Hi all,

Sorry if you have received this email twice, however it does serve as a
point to what I am about to suggest.

It seems to me that the lug currently has an active membership that can be
counted on one hand and almost as many mailing lists/message boards such
that even if a new message is written I know there is only a 2 in 3 chance
that I'll ever read it.

May I suggest that we move the mailing list to that provided by lug.org.uk
(lancaster@mailman.lug.org.uk) as we seem to have a mailing list setup
with them and this will help them to determine how active we are for there
web-site (I suppose it is in our interest to seem a little more active
than at present :-) ).

Looking at the message board, it seems to be a little on the dead side, as
does the entire web-site. I would be happy to try and design a web-site
for the lug and put it up (prob minus the message board, but with a link
to the above mailing list/ whatever is decided). I am currently in the
process of designing a site for the bobbin in my spare time as well
(http://www.22balmoralroad.net/~martyn/bobbin/) if you are interested in
seeing a sample of my work!

Sorry if this starts a flame/religious war regarding the best form of
messaging to keep in touch with...

Hope to see you all at the next meeting (which I hope to survive.)
