[Lancaster] Re: Last nights meeting

Richard Robinson richard at beulah.demon.co.uk
Fri Jan 31 03:46:01 2003

On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 07:58:36PM +0000, Martyn Welch wrote:
> On a more positive note, has anyone tried Gentoo yet. I've been installing it 
> recently (was waiting for KDE 3.1 to come out) and am finding it a refreshing 
> experience! (have been using Mandrake and Readhat) I would point out that it 
> would be insane to try using it without a permanent connection, the only ISO 
> image available only holds that base system adn the rest is downloaded and 
> installed via a system with apparently is similar to BSD's ports - never used 
> it don't know.

yeah ... I got "the" CD acouple of months back intending to have a look
at it, but, as you say it's only the beginnings of a bootstrap; and I
haven't got a big fast connection yet. It's being very highly spoken of
on c.o.l.a, looks as if a lot of (ex)-Debian users are finding it
pretty good.

> Hope to see everyone at the next meeting, if there is one...

I'm sorry I missed it, but I couldn't get there. I hope something keeps
going ? Looks as if we maybe don't have the energy for formal meetings,
set topics, the organised LUG thing like bigger groups do, but we could
maybe rig up ways of keeping contact ?

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem