[Lancaster] Re: the kitchen network.

Ken Hough kenhough at uklinux.net
Fri Aug 6 16:24:42 BST 2004

Martyn Welch wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----------
> On Thursday 05 August 2004 16:42, Ken Hough wrote:
>>Martyn (and other inrested parties),
> As always :)
>>I went down to the Folly this am and succeeded in setting up one of the
>>PII boxes with SCSI card and installed the SCSI scanner.
>>I initially had a problem, because the PII box that we played with last
>>Wednesday meet appeared to be dead. I mean stone dead! Didn't have time
>>to explore so swapped SCSI card into other PII and proceeded. Dead box
>>is marked as so on label at back.
> Did you heck the little switch on the back of the PSU? (I know, I know but had 
> to ask.)

A good point easily overlooked, but yes I did. Also checked mains cable.

>>The SCSI card and Agfa SnapScan 310 were both recognised. I installed
>>'sane', but nothing else so couldn't test fully. I'll leave that to
>>Martyn (?) to set this up to best integrate with the network.
> I'll see what I can do.

Good luck! I'll be interested to follow what you do for my own benefit.

>>The ISA SCSI card is labeled as AHA 1505,

Correction: Labeled AVA 1505. I hadn't come across that before.

>>but no module exists
>>corresponding with this name. However module 'aha152x' loaded OK with
>>io=0x140 and irq=9. I set this in /etc/init.d/boot.local. I took the
>>easy way for the scanner. YAST found it and installed it with no problems.
> Yup, that's the right one. It's probably best to use /etc/modules to load it.

/etc/modules.conf is the official way, but I still have dificulty 
sorting out my aliases from my options. Adding a line like 'modprobe 
.....' to /etc/init.d/boot.local is much easier and quicker for some 

>>I left a set of boot/module floppies and CDs for installation of SuSE
>>v8.1 Personal which is already installed on the Tiny boxes and on the
>>PII boxes.
> Cool.
>>I saw the mobo that Martyn has left for installation in the dead Tiny
>>box. Didn't do anything about this as time was pressing.
> Might be best to leave that one for a rainy day. The chipset is a real pain.
>>I did note that this mobo is claimed to be a 'PC Chips' board. I have a
>>mobo that is clearly made by the same manufacturer, but is labelled
>>'Elpina'. I couldn't find any info/manual under that name so will look
>>under 'PC Chips'.
> PC Chips are cheap, however they also can be a pig to get working properly 
> under linux.

I've had a look at the PC Chips site, but they don't have any info' 
about my old board (code <BA> E-VO 9808). Yours is much later, but the 
code still includes <BA> E-VO 98..........

>>Last point! I had a play with one of the terminals and clicked on the
>>'About Linux' icon. The Document that appeared contains a number of
>>typos/errors. Not a good first impression of Linux! Can we change this
>>for a more punchy, accurate and informative document?
> I think we should think about turning it into a web-page...

Maybe, provided that the front page remains simple and well written. I 
feel that for a first impression, presentation is important.

Ken Hough

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