[Lancaster] Postcodes

Tony Ayre tony at localz-host.com
Thu Aug 19 11:35:44 BST 2004

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Hi Mike,

As Nigeria can't afford much by the way of computers for its
Universities, we (Gaz, Myself and Max) are putting together a load of
computers to send over (as DHL (i think it was them) have donated us a
container to fill). So we are collecting computers to set up in the
university (not sure which one, Gaz is doing that bit - Max and I are
doing the technical bit).


Mike Dent wrote:
| Hi Tony,
| Can I ask what use they will be put to in Nigeria, more info on the
| project maybe?
| thanks
| Mike
|>-----Original Message-----
|>From: Tony Ayre [mailto:tony at localz-host.com]
|>Sent: 18 August 2004 19:28
|>To: Mike Dent
|>Cc: lancaster at mailman.lug.org.uk
|>Subject: Re: [Lancaster] Postcodes
| Mike Dent wrote:
| | Hi guys,
| | Are you still in need of any PC's for your workshop area?
| | We are currently upgrading some 60+ PC's at work, the ones we are
| | taking out are P3 650Mhz or P3 700Mhz. They have 10gb
| disks, ethernet,
| | audio, floppy and CDROM.
| |
| | I could probably rustle 3 together, there are no monitors though.
| |
| | Let me know if you are interested.
| |
| | Mike
| |
| |
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| |
| Hi All,
| If the kitchen doesn't need them, they would be useful for
| servers for the 30 or so computers I am currently
| holding/testing to send to Nigeria. They would be good to
| have as x servers.
| Cheers
| Tony Ayre
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