[Lancaster] folly machines.

Ken Hough kenhough at uklinux.net
Wed May 12 23:02:16 BST 2004

After recent postings today, I have the following comments:

'Tiny' boxes:
At present only three are fully working as one died on me and the serial 
port(s)of another don't seem to be working.

Remote X:
Please can someone describe how the server (should read client?) is set 
up. I've been playing (successfully) with my own boxes and can get 
remote X via 'X -broadcast', but would like to understand how best to 
set up both server and terminals.

Presently, I simply make sure that 'xdm' is running on ther server, 
login on the terminal box and then give 'X -broadcast' from the 
terminal. I then get a graphical login screen from the server. Not very 
slick as yet, but it works.

As I understand it, a user must have a valid user account to be able to 
log onto the server (client).

I also have DHCP (alongside old static IP addresses).

Other servers:
We presently have two server boxes which work, although by modern 
standards they aren't high spec. There's plenty of space inside them.
Being a complete noddy wrt networking, I look forward to the next meet 
to discuss same.

I won't be able to get down there on Saturday as I'll be up on the 
fells. Hope to get down again next week and maybe do some cleaning of 
monitors, keyboards etc. I'll bring the two Pentium II boxes which we've 
just inherited.

If anybody can provide a couple of 1.44MB floppy drives, I could finish 
off refurbishing a couple of PCs.

BTW, I've just received latest version of SuSE (v9.1 Professional). Hope 
to try it out over next few days.


Ken Hough

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