[Lancaster] Digital Image Processing -- EXIF data and RAW files

Martyn Welch welchm at comp.lancs.ac.uk
Tue Jan 25 16:33:13 GMT 2005

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- ------ Original message ------
On Tuesday 25 Jan 2005 12:24, Ken Hough wrote:

> Good idea! I doubt that I'm the best person to do it, as I rely on the
> user friendly approach (eg SuSE) and would have difficulty in helping
> the likes of Debian users.

I disagree. A debian user would probably be able to fill in the gaps/ 
understand the technology that you would describe. Someone used to the user 
friendly approach would probably find it extremely hard to gleam any 
knowledge from a document written by a hardcore Linux guru.

It is best that this information is as compete (as far as your understanding 
in concerned) and available to those users which may be wanting to switch to/ 
try Linux, whom will most likely be using a user friendly distro.

> BTW, I like your web page. Glad to learn that you are making progress
> with PICs under Linux. I might one day have a play with this myself. My
> soldering iron hand is getting itchy again.

Wish I had more time to fiddle with it at the momment - though some of the 
projects I am working close to might be moving to SDCC rather than the 
proprietory compiler they currently use.

I'm working on hacking apart some programmer software (for getting programs 
onto PICs) written for 2.4 kernel (uses kernel calls rather than APIs...) and 
ncurses, to try and get it working with a free programmer with 2.6 for the 
command line, rather than ncurses front end. It's not that I overly dislike 
the ncurses front end, it's just that I want to be able to include it in a 
GUI script...


- -- 
Martyn Welch (welchm at comp.lancs.ac.uk)

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