[Lancaster] Wobblies in Mandriva

Ken Hough kenhough at uklinux.net
Mon May 9 15:25:53 BST 2005

Martyn & Max,

WRT my comments last week about Mandrake Linux not doing what I required 
it to do, it seems that Mandriva is no better.

During installation, Mandriva installs a boot loader. Like it or not 
this is 'lilo'. Towards the end of the installation there is 
(apparently) an option to configure (reconfigure)the boot loader. 
Despite opting for 'grub' to be installed in the boot record of hda1, 
lilo remains in the MBR. I have tried this 3 times.

Both /etc/lilo.conf and grub config files are installed.

I've even removed the lilo boot loader from a running system and 
specifically gone through the process to install 'grub', which appeared 
to go OK. Result -- a non booting system.

A shame really. Mandriva does look good -- apart from that damn star 
eyed penguin!


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