[Lancaster] Help me select a distrob

Ken Hough kenhough at uklinux.net
Mon Apr 17 17:03:29 BST 2006


Glad that you've seen the light and are making the switch. I did it a 
few  years ago, but I've been playing with Linux for about six or seven 
years now.

I guess that most people in this group will guide you towards the likes 
of Ubuntu, Mandriva or Fedora.

I've played with most of the well known distros, including Debian, 
Ubuntu, Fedora and Mandriva. I started with SuSE Linux (v5.2) and still 
find no good reason to switch to another distro. I still use v9.1 on my 
main PC (because it's still working well) and on my laptop. I also have 
an experimental v10 setup. If you want a reliable distro that's easy to 
install and set up, and has solid support, you could do a lot worse than 
go for SuSE. The SuSE installation and configuration program (YAST) is 
usually reckoned to be the most comprehensive of all install/setup progs.

Users of other distros will try to tell you that YAST stops you from 
doing detailed manual setups. Not True. There are some config files (or 
parts thereof) which you shouldn't modify directly, but these are 
clearly marked as such within the files and intructions as to how to do 
the mod manually are usually included. Also, SuSE is now owned by 
NOVELL, so support is good. It's now a very polished distro.

I use SuSE for Internet/email access, office apps (Open Office), 
TV/Radio card, ethernet/wifi, downloading and processing images from my 
digital SLR, programming (usually in 'C')  -- basically everything that 
I used to do under MS Windows and a lot more, but without all the 
crashes and screw ups.

Good luck

Ken Hough

HAB Boy wrote:
> Guys/Gals,
> I have done a lot of search to select a distro to switch from Win to
> Linux. Finally, I came up to two distros
> 1. Mandriva (Mandrake)
> 2. Fedora Core 5
> Can any of you help me making a choice and may be give me some of the
> pros and cons of both based on your experience.
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