[Lancaster] Help me select a distrob

mp mp at aktivix.org
Thu Apr 20 01:41:11 BST 2006


On Thu, 2006-04-20 at 00:13 +0100, Clair wrote:
> >Ubuntu is also getting very popular

> I'd recommend this for beginners, but I don't like it myself. But it's a 
> personal taste.

I use Ubuntu too, after 3-4 years with Redhat from 7.3 to FC4, and I
still also use FC4, but I do not think that I want to carry on doing
that as I am getting into Ubuntu also for political reasons: it is not a
huge corporate company, although of course it is sponsored by a horribly
rich fellow.

However, all depending on what needs you have, there might be reasons
for using RedHat/Fedora, because it is a widely recognised platform by
other companies andosme project will package for RH/FC and not for
others - one example is the CCRMA project Stanford (advanced audio

Going back to the Ubuntu issue: I am interviewing the philanthropist
behind the Ubuntu/Canonical projects in June, particularly about
ownership issues in the context of philanthropy, charity projects using
F/LOSS and so on, so if you have any questions, criticisms that you
would like me to bring to him, please email me!


ps: currently hitching on an open, unsecured wifi connection from a
local university on the edge of the rain forest in ecuador :)

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