[Lancaster] Speeding up SuSE v10.1

Ken Hough kenhough at uklinux.net
Wed Aug 9 10:38:33 BST 2006

A default installation of SuSE v10.1 provides a lot of really good 
stuff, but it also includes items which slow the system down a lot. This 
topic is discussed in an article in Linux Magazine, page 44, Sept, 2006.

For normal users (ie non sys admins) the offending items can sensibly be 
removed by using the command:

'rpm -e zmd rug zen-installer'

I found this gave significant increases in performance on both an IBM 
Thinkpad T21 (800MHz PIII/384MB of Ram) and an Athlon 2200 with 512MB of 

Ken Hough

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