[Lancaster] Anonymising LiveCD

Rene Mayrhofer rene at comp.lancs.ac.uk
Tue Jan 17 16:40:55 GMT 2006

Hi all,

max wrote
> Hi - has anyone tried this anonymising LiveCD? I'd be very interested to try 
> it out (but 550mb would take a few days to download :-)
> http://theory.kaos.to/projects.html
Sorry for the shameless plug, but Gibraltar will also include tools for
strong anonymisation with the next release [1]. It will include
JAP/anon-proxy by TU Dresden (which can be used for "normal surfing",
i.e. HTTP(S) and FTP), tor, mixmaster, and freenet (which provides the
strongest anonymity as of now).

Since we are currently working on those anonymisers (as a response to
the recent EU directive being approved), we are of course open to any
suggestions for improvement. If you'd like to see anything else in
there, just drop me a line.


with best regards,

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